Darren Davenport

Darren Davenport, GCSAA is a native of Greensboro, GA. He and his wife Julia have two beautiful daughters Natalie and Victoria; living in the family home where he spent his childhood. Darren has been in the golf industry for the past 36+ years, most recently as the Golf Course Superintendent at two premier daily fee facilities in the Augusta area enjoying success during his tenure spanning more than two decades. Darren has been a member of 'The Golf Course Superintendent's Association of America' and 'The Georgia Golf Course Superintendent's Association' for the past 30-years; winning multiple awards for best course conditions in the Augusta Area. He has served on various charitable committees, including 'The Wee One Foundation' which helps families of fallen superintendents.
Darren is excited to become the newest Team Leader at The Club saying "I look forward to becoming part of the TCLS family while Julia and I support local causes that help make Central Georgia a great place to work, play and raise a family."